Eve Goodman Live at Ffwrn

Venue: Ffwrn
Date: Friday 22nd September 2023
Time: 8:30pm

Eve Goodman has a captivating stage presence, and the quiet charisma of someone who has been sharing her soul with a live audience her entire adult life. “I love performing for people, but for me the magic happens when my audience are invited to come a little closer, to co-create something with me. This happens in a live setting when people open their hearts as well as their ears. I want my music to sound beautiful, but most of all I want it to feel beautiful for people. My wish is that people feel seen, in their joy and their pain, in the lyrics I write and the notes that sing.”

Goodman’s voice is indeed exquisite in its beauty and clarity, and beneath this is a quiet vulnerability and strength. Her songs traverse the seas and the lands around us, singing of her beloved homeland in North Wales and the natural world, while also exploring the depths of our inner landscapes too. Her songs reveal with honesty stories of grief and loss, and journey towards finding faith and joy again.

With a her voice, her guitar and a whole lot of truth, Eve Goodman will take you on a journey back to your own heart, by weaving her personal musings and experiences into the universal tapestry of our collective, wild and wonderful human life.

Ffwrn22nd September 20238:30pm